Acadia Spring: The Doucets of Port Royal and Other Founding Families in 17th Century Acadia
Acadian Spring tells the Acadians' story beginning with the founding of Port Royal in 1605, its rise as an Acadian centre, and its role as the cradle of other settlements at Grand-Pr and Beaubassin. This volume concludes with the final period of the French versus English struggle for control of l'Acadie in the early 1700s. Part family history and part general history of a people, the book presents an exciting tale of intrigue, struggle and achievement. It focuses on commander Germain Doucet and his descendants as well as the LeBlanc family and their many connections to other founding Acadian lineages, including the de La Tour, Mius/D'Entremont, Landry, H bert, Boudrot, Thibodeau, Savoie, Lejeune, Dupuis and Comeau families.
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